A message directly from The Mesothelioma Center, “Countless veterans are currently suffering from life-threatening illnesses that are a result of exposure to asbestos, a material that was commonly used in hundreds of military applications, products, and ships because of its resistance to fire. Veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma even qualify for special benefits from the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs.”
As a part of the nonprofit community, we feel it is our duty to put out as many resources to people as we can when we find them. We recently came across an educational guide on Mesothelioma by The Mesothelioma Center and we felt it was a good resource to share. With veterans being one of the major populations we serve, this is an issue that directly affects a large part of this population.
Mesothelioma along with other illnesses can come from asbestos. Asbestos is ‘a group of six naturally occurring minerals composed of soft, flexible fibers that are heat-resistant.’ While asbestos is used in many military products, it can also be found inside your home in common household products as well as within the walls in the way the home was built. We have attached a link to a guide that helps explain where asbestos is most commonly found in the home, how to know if you may have it and what to do about it. This is not something to take lightly as it can lead to very serious illness. Please take the time to access these resources and as always reach out with any questions or concerns we may be able to help you with.
Link to locating asbestos in the home:
Link to Mesothelioma support: