Oakland and Wayne County Holiday Assistance Guide

Oakland and Wayne County Holiday Assistance Guide

The holidays can be a difficult time for anyone struggling financially, and the pressure to provide gifts, and meals is certainly difficult anytime and especially this year. With so many families struggling, we did some research into organizations that may be able to help your family get through the holidays. 

Oakland County:

Lighthouse of Oakland County: 248-920-6060, www.lighthouseoakland.org

Services offered: Gifts for Seniors and “Adopt A Family Christmas Program”.  Matches families with donors and then helps distributes donor gifts to adopted families in December.  Also Thanksgiving meal items, baby, household and personal care items and medical equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers.

Rochester Area Neighborhood House: 248-651-5836, www.ranh.org 

Services offered: Holiday Food Baskets, RANH’s Christmas Shopping Days program designates a time for those in need to select gifts for their children.  These gifts are donated by the Rochester community specifically for this event.

South Oakland Shelter: 248-546-6566, http://sos1985.org/

Services offered: Provides shelter, meals and other services including holiday help to homeless men, women and children.

Open Door Outreach: 248-360-2930,  http://www.opendooroutreachcenter.com

Services offered: Offers programs to assist low and moderate-income families during holidays and other special occasions who live in Waterford, White Lake, West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, Commerce, Walled Lake and parts of Wixom.

Troy People Concerned: 248-528-9199, http://www.tpchelps.org/

Services offered: Holiday baskets 

Grace Centers of Hope: 248-334-2187, http://www.gracecentersofhope.org/

Services offered: Serving dinner to homeless and needy people at two seating’s, 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the center. Women need to enter at the Perry Street entrance; the men’s entrance is on University. 


Wayne County:

Toys for Tots: https://detroit-mi.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx?nPageID=100&nPreviewInd=200&nRedirectInd=3

Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas.

Senior alliance holiday meals: https://thesenioralliance.org/

This program provides hot festive meals to homebound seniors age 60 & over OR disabled people

on Christmas

Detroit Area Agency on Aging: https://www.detroitseniorsolution.org/

Same as above program

Holiday Meals on Wheels: 313-446-4444

Lighthouse Ministry: 734-467-7540

Food boxes, holiday baskets, clothing

Old Newsboys’ Goodfellow Fund of Detroit and Wayne County: (586) 775-6139

Offers free holiday gift boxes, which include candy, warm clothing, free toys, books, games and more.

Detroit Lions Club: 313-272-3900

The non-profit gives back to the Wayne County and Oakland Community. Some holiday help, Christmas gifts or trees, parties, and other giveaway events may take place.

Free toys from USMC and charities: 586-205-0851

Children and infants from lower income families may be assisted; offer free gifts, clothing, winter attire, and more.

Salvation Army: https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/usc/location-search?location=detroit+mi

Many locations offer various seasonal holiday assistance


Source: https://julieslistb.homestead.com/HolidayAssistance.html 



27840 Independence Street

Farmington Hills, MI 48336


Oakland County : 248-482-8061

Wayne County :  313-766-4010


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