Coretek Days One and Two

Coretek Days One and Two

Wow, what a great group of volunteers! The teams from Coretek showed up to Monique’s house in Farmington Hills ready to go. It was clear that this was a close knit group, everyone worked so well together. We appreciate all of the volunteers, especially our younger ones, for giving up two Saturdays to help out a family in need.

Day One

The first day at Monique’s was a hot and humid affair, but the volunteers were in good spirits. Work was focused on the outside of the house on day one, despite the muggy conditions. Volunteers completed a whole range of tasks, removing the damaged pool in the back yard, painting the exterior of the garage, and replacing rotted boards from the back deck.

Other outdoor tasks included landscaping around the whole house, trimming overgrown trees and bushes. In addition, volunteers tore down a dilapidated shed and began construction on a new one. There was some work done on the inside of the house, including installing secure stairway railing and refurbishing the upstairs bathroom.


Day Two

Even though some of the faces changed, the attitude of the volunteers from Coretek did not. Everyone worked hard on what turned out to be a much cooler day than the first. One of the Coretek volunteers, Ron, even got to drive the skid steer for a little while.

The work on day two had more of a mix between inside and outside tasks. Volunteers worked to finish the shed from the weekend before, but hit a snag when they realized they did not have the right kind of shingles.

One small roadblock aside, the rest of the day was amazing. Coretek volunteers painted the deck, and stabilized the railings. They replace the front screen door with a brand new one, and did even more tree trimming. There was even some masonry work done, as they restored the garage’s brick façade.  

Inside the house, the dining room and upstairs bathroom received a fresh coat of paint. The color Monique chose for the dining room, Stolen Kiss, was a lovely soft pink. After the painting was complete, it looked like pros had been there.

Over the course of two weekends, the group from Coretek got so much done. They transformed Monique’s home in to a safer and healthier place to live, and for that, and being such a great group of people, we sincerely thank them for their work.

To check out more images from the project, visit the gallery here.




27840 Independence Street

Farmington Hills, MI 48336


Oakland County : 248-482-8061

Wayne County :  313-766-4010


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